Learning Statistics with R

During early summer I taught a module on statistical programming with R as part of a course on statistical methods.
The course has now finished but I believe that some of the material which I prepared can still be of use and have therefore decided to recycle parts of it in a series of blog posts.

Instead of recreating the course, these posts will focus on individual topics and are not meant to teach programming with R from the beginning.
If you are searching for a basic introduction into R such as this one you should have a look at r-project.org/other-docs.html.

The code I am presenting is nevertheless often densely commented for educational purposes and should thus be easy to follow.


In addition to basic R I also recommend the use of the RStudio user interface which makes data-analysis pleasant.

Using RStudio will furthermore allow you to use and create R Markdown files which are a great way to combine data analysis and documentation. I might sometimes release R-Markdown files together with posts on R in the future as well.